Biochemist Cures his Prostate Cancer with Marijuana

Dennis Hill is a Biochemist, who even after living a healthy lifestyle was diagnosed with cancer of the prostate, also known as "aggressive prostate adenocarcinoma".   The cancer spread to the seminal vesicles and maybe the bladder, resulting in a stage 3 adenocarcinoma.   The ironic thing is that he spent 10 yrs. working in cancer research at a world famous university hospital.  He witnessed many patient deaths from cancer and resolved to avoid the devastating demise. 

Faced with a tough decision about his treatment options,  Dennis Hill has more experience, insight, and knowledge than your average cancer patient.  He writes.. 

"The customary treatment options for this disorder are all inhumane, radical, aggressive, and insufferable. The life expectancy of traditionally treated prostate cancer is only three percent greater than no treatment at all; and incurs great expense and great suffering for the patient as well as the family.

    Does the picture look any better for alternative treatments? There is really no way to know, statistically; as there is no reliable tracking of these data and comparison with traditional interventions.  However, alternative modalities do offer hope even though science is lacking, and testimonials are often inflated or misleading.

       One approach to this conundrum might be to take a measure of each and perhaps the outcome might turn in your favor.  At this point I have chosen the least invasive and most effective options in traditional treatment: hormone therapy plus radiation. The hormone therapy consists of Lupron injections that inhibit androgen production that drives cancer cell growth and replication.  That seems reasonable; it’s not cytotoxic and does not interfere with life in general. Radiation is not as traumatic and invasive as surgery, but the downside is that healthy tissue proximal to the prostate can get burned and cause life-altering damage.  And we all know that radiation does cause cancer, which is disturbing.

    What is the promise of alternative therapies that live on the fringes of traditional modalities?  We don’t really know until we try them, but there are uncountable possibilities.  It’s best to just start with what we know. I know something about nutrition, and there are numerous nutritional supplements that are known to be therapeutic in cancer. So I take them. There are herbal remedies also, and I take some of that too.  Now I see there is cannabis extract, with many saying they are cured.  Well, why not?  I want to be cured as well.  I understand that the cannabinoids have a modulating influence on perhaps all physiological systems. Modulation, here, means regulation, or optimization. There are more than 65 different cannabinoids in cannabis, each with it’s specific job at cellular regulation sites, where biological processes are optimized to bring metabolic balance to maintain healthy tissues.  This is a very good thing."

Click here to find out how the cannabinoids in cannabis (marijuana) work.


Eva Marie interviews Biochemist Dennis Hill about his Marijuana Cancer Cure